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SAR Image Change Detection Research: A Review

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DOI: 10.23977/geors.2022.050103 | Downloads: 8 | Views: 872


Huiqin Chen 1, Fujun Zhao 2, Zeyuan Gu 1


1 School of Computer and Information Engineering, Heilongjiang University of Science and Technology, Harbin, China
2 School of Information & Intelligence Engineering, University of Sanya, Sanya, China

Corresponding Author

Huiqin Chen


SAR image change detection technology has always been a research hotspot and difficulty in remote sensing, which has attracted many scholars at home and abroad to conduct in-depth research on it. However, there is still a lack of detection methods with strong generalization, high accuracy, and complete automation. With the development of synthetic aperture radar, the SAR change detection technology system is also constantly updated and evolved. An in-depth analysis of the research status of SAR image change detection technology at home and abroad is carried out to supplement the latest applications of deep learning methods in SAR image change detection methods in recent years. At the same time, focusing on the whole process of SAR image change detection, the theory and methods of SAR image change detection are further categorized and summarized from three aspects: SAR image imaging mechanism, SAR image change detection technology, and accuracy evaluation, and the challenges and future development trend of SAR image change detection are pointed out, to promote the further development of SAR image change detection research.


SAR Image Change Detection, Deep Learning, Research Review


Huiqin Chen, Fujun Zhao, Zeyuan Gu, SAR Image Change Detection Research: A Review. Geoscience and Remote Sensing (2022) Vol. 5: 16-21. DOI:


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