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Research on the Mechanism Model of Environmental Temperature and Humidity Control in Artificial Light Source Plant Factory

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DOI: 10.23977/jemm.2022.070201 | Downloads: 38 | Views: 1184


Mingqiu Zhang 1, Jisheng Zhang 1, Linhui Liu 1, Liyu Jin 1, Bo Zhang 2


1 College of Modern Manufacturing Engineering, Heilongjiang University of Technology, Jixi 158100, Heilongjiang, China
2 College of Engineering, Heilongjiang Bayi Agricultural University, Daqing 163319, Heilongjiang, China

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Mingqiu Zhang


There is a strong cross-coupling and time delay between the temperature and humidity in the artificial light source type plant factory, which makes it difficult to control the environmental parameters alone. Therefore, this paper first analyzes the basic composition of the air treatment equipment in the artificial light source type plant factory, combines the temperature mechanism model and the humidity mechanism model, establishes the energy conversion balance equation of the air treatment equipment, and determines the dynamic nonlinear model of the temperature and humidity control system. The model is verified and analyzed, and the accuracy of the model is determined by comparing the output value of the calculation system with the measured value of the steady-state operating point in the actual field, which provides a theoretical basis for the next temperature and humidity control strategy. 


Temperature, Humidity, Mechanism, Dynamic Model, Control


Mingqiu Zhang, Jisheng Zhang, Linhui Liu, Liyu Jin, Bo Zhang, Research on the Mechanism Model of Environmental Temperature and Humidity Control in Artificial Light Source Plant Factory. Journal of Engineering Mechanics and Machinery (2022) Vol. 7: 1-11. DOI:


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