Research on the Risk and Prevention of "Leverage Manipulation" of China's Real Estate Enterprises
DOI: 10.23977/acccm.2022.040201 | Downloads: 19 | Views: 1004
Huiyuan Zha 1, Zihang Qian 1, Hua Luo 1
1 School of Finance and Economics, Jiangxi Normal University, Jiangxi, Nanchang, China
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The real estate industry has the status of the pillar of the national economy. The "leverage manipulation" behavior of real estate enterprises not only damages the development of enterprises themselves, but also is not conducive to macro-control and consolidating the achievements of "deleveraging". This paper takes the real estate industry as the object to study the risks caused by its "leverage manipulation". The study found that the existence of this behavior in real estate enterprises continued to weaken the profitability of enterprises; Trigger the upstream and downstream crisis of the industrial chain; It is easy to cause thunderstorms in the capital market, which is not conducive to the stable development of finance; Masking the real debt level is not conducive to consolidating the deleveraging achievements and other risks, and put forward targeted suggestions to prevent such risks at the end of the article.
Real estate industry, Lever operation, Risk prevention, Commercial paperCITE THIS PAPER
Huiyuan Zha, Zihang Qian, Hua Luo, Research on the Risk and Prevention of "Leverage Manipulation" of China's Real Estate Enterprises. Accounting and Corporate Management (2022) Vol. 4: 1-6. DOI:
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