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A design perspective of an IR beam barrier and proximity detector

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DOI: 10.23977/dtae.2019.11001 | Downloads: 44 | Views: 4824


Minabai M. IGWELE 1, Righteous E. OMBU 2, Oritsebemigho ULORI 2


1 Department of Physics, Niger Delta University, Wilberforce Island, Bayelsa State
2 Department of Physics with Electronics, Federal Polytechnic, Ekowe, Bayelsa State

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Minabai M. IGWELE


An inexpensive infrared beam barrier and proximity detector has been designed and analyzed using solid state discrete components. The result showed that a security system using infrared technology is possible and viable where the breaking of an infrared signal by objects including humans passing or wandering within restricted premises can be effectively monitored. The design was achieved with the help of IR Module and LEDs, a 555IC timer which oscillates at about 38kHz, a regulating IC which regulates a 9V dc to 5V, transistors, and variable resistors that contribute to the strength of the IR signal generated together with some other passive components. The completed device designed only requires an external power supply when the relay is to be used in triggering an external alarm or switching of bulbs. The design results also showed that the 555IC timer can be used to produce accurate timing ranging from microseconds to hours if the variable resistors can be reduced while the capacitors across it is increased. More so, it was evident from this study that the infrared which has a very small wavelength in micrometers as recorded in the electromagnetic spectrum, can be optimized to travel farther distances of over 250cm.


Infrared (IR), Beam Barrier, Proximity Detector, Security, Signal, Switching, 555IC Timer


Minabai M. IGWELE, Righteous E. OMBU and Oritsebemigho ULORI, A design perspective of an IR beam barrier and proximity detector. Financial Engineering and Risk Management (2019) 1: 1-10. DOI:


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