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Optimization and Production of Glucose Oxidase from a newly isolated strain of Aspergillus fumigatus

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DOI: 10.23977/enzyme.2022.010103 | Downloads: 90 | Views: 2525


Onosakponome I 1, Okwuenu P 1, Oparaji E 1, Ezugwu A.L 1, Eze S.O.O 1, Chilaka, F.C 1


1 Department of Biochemistry, University of Nigeria, Nsukka, Enugu State, Nigeria

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Onosakponome I


Glucose oxidase (GOx) has several novel applications in chemical, pharmaceutical, textile, and other biotechnological industries. This study was aimed at optimizing the production of glucose oxidase from Aspergillus fumigatus AFS4. Aspergillus fumigatus was isolated from garden soil, obtained from staff quarters University of Nigeria, Nsukka and was screened for glucose oxidase production capability.  Biochemical tests and 18S-rDNA sequencing were used to confirm the isolate as Aspergillus fumigatus. The isolate strain was tagged as Aspergillus fumigatus AFS4. GOx was produced from Aspergillus fumigatus AFS4 under submerged fermentation system with an enzyme activity of 1591Uµmol/min and protein concentration of 3.89mg/ml. Different conditions for GOx production which include carbon sources, nitrogen sources, CaCO3, pH and fermentation time were optimized. Glucose (80g/L) was found to be the best carbon source for GOx production with GOx activity of 1542µmol/min. Peptone (3g/L) was found suitable for GOx production with GOx activity of 1231µmol/min compared to other nitrogen sources tested. CaCO3 enhanced GOx production when 30g/L of it was used to supplement the production medium. The optimum pH for GOx production was 6.5.  The highest GOx production was obtained on the 7th day with GOx activity of 1517µmol/min. The results proved that Aspergillus fumigatus AFS4 has strong potential to produce glucose oxidase for various industrial applications. 


Isolation, Aspergillus fumigatus AFS4, 18S-rDNA sequence, Optimization, Glucose oxidase


Onosakponome I., Okwuenu P., Oparaji E., Ezugwu A.L., Eze S.O.O. and Chilaka, F.C., Optimization and Production of Glucose Oxidase from a newly isolated strain of Aspergillus fumigatus. Journal of Enzyme Engineering (2022) Vol. 1: 39-48. DOI:


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