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Compilation of groundwater monitoring maps for the Mitrovica region in Kosova

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DOI: 10.23977/geors.2019.21003 | Downloads: 51 | Views: 5130


Edon MALIQI 1,2, Bashkim IDRIZI 3, Petar PENEV 2


1 UBT – Higher Education Institution; Lagjja Kalabria, 10000 Pristina, Kosovo
2 University of Architecture, Civil Engineering and Geodesy. Sofia, Bulgaria
3 University of Pristina “Hasan Prishtina”. Pristina, Kosova

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Bashkim IDRIZI


Groundwater is the most important natural resource required for drinking to many people. The study presents a case study of heavy metal pollution in groundwater at the Mitrovica region, Kosovo. A numerous heavy metals and their parameters were considered in the analysis. The aim of the study is monitoring the presence of heavy metals in groundwater by developing of spatial database and compilation of thematic maps through GIS technology. GIS is used to represent the spatial distribution of the heavy metals. In order to represent the spatial distribution are used two interpolation techniques such as IDW and Spline. As well as the study involves the comparison analysis between IDW and Spline interpolation techniques. The populated data in GIS such as spatial and non-spatial data are based in the field investigations and field surveying as well as in the office data processing and calculating.  In order to monitor groundwater pollution are used two known indices in worldwide, known as Heavy Metal Pollution Index (HPI) and Metal Index (MI). The final datasets of the study will include a numerous raster maps of groundwater monitoring in Mitrovica. The groundwater monitoring maps produced, represent the situation of 2018 and will be used to support environmental management. The GIS based on monitoring of heavy metal in groundwater derived from this study, is an attempt for the first time in Kosovo to determine groundwater pollution and to identify places with high pollution within the study area.


GIS technology, Spatial database, Thematic maps, Spatial interpolation techniques, Groundwater monitoring


Edon MALIQI, Bashkim IDRIZI, Petar PENEV, Compilation of groundwater monitoring maps for the Mitrovica region in Kosova. Geoscience and Remote Sensing (2019) Vol. 2: 41-55. DOI:


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