Research on Lifecycle Service Mode of Construction Enterprises Based on Niche Theory
DOI: 10.23977/jemm.2021.060212 | Downloads: 23 | Views: 1213
Ruilin Li 1
1 China Energy Longyuan Environmental Protection Co., Ltd
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As an important part of engineering construction, the whole life cycle service of construction enterprises can not only protect building energy efficiency, but also effectively guide the development of construction enterprises. In order to give full play to the guiding role of life cycle service, we should enrich the connotation of life cycle service and implement life cycle service management for construction enterprises. The evolution and change process of niche is the process of industrial development, and niche factor is the factor causing the change, which provides a good analysis method for analyzing the development of building energy-saving service industry and looking for the factors hindering the development of the industry. Based on niche theory, this paper puts forward the obstacles and Countermeasures of service-oriented transformation of construction enterprises, and further introduces the future trend of service-oriented business model of construction enterprises, in order to provide reference for the transformation and development of construction enterprises.
Niche theory, construction enterprise, life cycle serviceCITE THIS PAPER
Ruilin Li, Research on Lifecycle Service Mode of Construction Enterprises Based on Niche Theory. Journal of Engineering Mechanics and Machinery (2021) Vol. 6: 63-67. DOI:
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