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Research on Coordinated Attack Protection Method Based on Global Time Synchronization System of Intelligent Substation

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DOI: 10.23977/jnca.2019.41003 | Downloads: 34 | Views: 2886


Shaomin Zhang 1, Pengzhi Cheng 1, Baoyi Wang 1, Xia Zhou 1


1 Department of Control and Computer, North China Electric Power University, Huadian Road, Baoding, China

Corresponding Author

Shaomin Zhang


Aiming at the coordinated attack based on time problem in the network attack of intelligent substation automation system, leading to large scale power outages, coordinated attack model called ENFTA is proposed. The scheme adds a differentiated time management design and time anti-correction design of the dispatcher based on the time synchronization system of the smart substation. The former is used to differentiate the synchronization time of substation and thus stagger the trigger time initiated by the coordinated attack software. In the latter, the information of the global synchronization time between the dispatcher and the station is marked, and anti-correcting the differentiated time and the reverse differentiated time are adjusted. In the unified reference time, to operate monitoring and the fault analysis after the accident. Relevant experiment results show that the method is effective to avoid the large number of substations losing voltage due to aggressive actions, and significantly reduce the harm caused by the coordinated attack of substations.


Coordinated attack, differentiated time management design, intelligent substation automation system, power outage accident


Shaomin, Z., Pengzhi, C., Baoyi, W., Xia, Z., Research on Coordinated Attack Protection Method Based on Global Time Synchronization System of Intelligent Substation, Journal of Network Computing and Applications (2019) 4: 14-20. DOI:


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