A Privacy Preserving Scheme for Incentive-Based Demand Response in Smart Grid
DOI: 10.23977/jnca.2019.41002 | Downloads: 31 | Views: 2690
Shaomin Zhang 1, Kai Wang 1, Baoyi Wang 1
1 School of Control and Computer Engineering, North China Electric Power University, China
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Shaomin ZhangABSTRACT
The Incentive-Base Demand Response (IDR) programs in the smart grid provides the ability to shape the power demand on the demand side, which ensures better stablility than in the traditional power grid. However, the IDR programs require the customer’s fine-grained power consumption data to be collected, which poses a serious threat to customer privacy. A IDR privacy preserving scheme is proposed in this paper which utilises a descent off-line electronic coin scheme for the extraction and redemption of rewards and has less computational costs than currently know IDR privacy preserving schemes.
Data Privacy, Incentive-Based Demand Response, Smart GridCITE THIS PAPER
Shaomin, Z., Kai, W., Baoyi, W., A Privacy Preserving Scheme for Incentive-Based Demand Response in Smart Grid, Journal of Network Computing and Applications (2019) 4: 7-13. DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.23977/jnca.2019.41002.
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