Design of condenser air filter integrated device for self-cleaning agricultural air conditioning
DOI: 10.23977/jemm.2021.060111 | Downloads: 44 | Views: 1360
Wei Sun 1, Junjie Liu 1, Liuyue Zhao 1, He Li 1, Baolong Liu 1, Yuanyue Zhang 1, Xiang Han 1
1 XuZhou University of Technology, School of Mechanical & Electrical Engineering, Xuzhou, Jiangsu, 221000
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Yuanyue ZhangABSTRACT
The goal of this project is focus on developing suitable for air cooling of farm machinery air conditioning condenser, concrete is a kind of self-cleaning air filter of air conditioner condenser of agricultural machinery integration device, can effectively solve the due to poor working conditions of agricultural machinery, air conditioning condenser vulnerable to dust, insects, weeds, such as congestion, caused by poor heat dissipation, leading to frequent failure of a series of problems[1].It is of great significance to save resources, improve economic benefits, adapt to the adjustment of agricultural structure and improve the technical level of agricultural environmental protection equipment[2].
Air conditioning, finite element analysis, fluid dynamicsCITE THIS PAPER
Wei Sun, Junjie Liu, Liuyue Zhao, He Li, Baolong Liu, Yuanyue Zhang, Xiang Han. Design of condenser air filter integrated device for self-cleaning agricultural air conditioning. Journal of Engineering Mechanics and Machinery (2021) Vol. 6: 94-97. DOI:
[1] HU Qiong, Chen Jun, DENG Liwen, et al. CFD-DEM coupling Simulation and Experimental study of deep-sea mine lift Pump under extreme working conditions [J]. Chinese Journal of Nonferrous Metals: 1-16.
[2] Li Junjie. Simulation of Pneumatic Conveying of Charged Particles in Pipeline Based on CFD-DEM Method [D]. Lanzhou University, 2021.
[3] Qu Caihong, Liu Tao, Ren Yun. Mechanical Design, 2021, 38(S1): 53-55.
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