Study on physiological characteristics and ecological impacts of dragon based on Analytic Hierarchy Process
DOI: 10.23977/jnca.2021.060105 | Downloads: 22 | Views: 1695
Ruoqian Song 1
1 SDU-ANU Joint Science College, Shandong University, Weihai, Shandong, 264209
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Ruoqian SongABSTRACT
The fantasy novel ‘A Song of Ice and Fire’ is famous for its dramatic plot and powerful and magical creatures, and the three little dragons raised by Daenerys Targaryen are still impressive. This paper discusses the hypothetical condition that dragon exists in the real society and description of the original works, and explores the characteristics of dragon as well as its impacts on the modern ecosystem. In this paper, the heights, flight patterns, living habits and other physiological characteristics of the dragon are reasonably speculated through function model prediction and analogy analysis. Based on the conjecture of the physiological characteristics of dragons, the paper uses the analytic hierarchy process (AHP) to summarize the impact of dragons on the ecology, and the influence of dragons on the stability and recovery of the ecological environment in the process of migration.
Dragon, Physiological characteristics, The ecological system, Analytic hierarchy processCITE THIS PAPER
Ruoqian Song. Study on physiological characteristics and ecological impacts of dragon based on Analytic Hierarchy Process. Journal of Network Computing and Applications (2021) 6: 23-26. DOI:
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