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Research on the Energy-Saving and Reduce Emission of Logistics Park Based on Dynamic System

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DOI: 10.23977/ssge.2018.11001 | Downloads: 34 | Views: 4544


Xiaowen Wang 1


1 China ministry of transportation science research department, MTSD, Beijing, china, 10003

Corresponding Author

Xiaowen Wang


There is a closer relationship and a complex system with the sustainable development of Logistics Park and region’s economy, environment and resources. This report makes the energy-saving of Logistics Park as an entry point, as well as using systemic analysis and research on adopting dynamic system method for energy-saving system of logistics. First of all, from the macro view to contribute the energy-saving system and identify the factors and foundation of it, as well as analyze the effective connection of the relationship for the relevant cycle of logistics park system , energy consumption and environment. After that, put forward the relevant factors of the energy-saving and environment effect which belong to the working progress plan in logistics function park, through analyzes the output relationship in production progress. Consider the interactional with each factors and external environment affection, it set up the dynamic system mode which as the energy-saving goal includes environment subsystem of logistics part, demand subsystem for logistics, supply subsystem for logistics and energy consumption for logistics part. Then, the report collect plenty of data to simulation exam the system mode, study the effective of policy, technic and management factors to evident the system mode has advance simulate actual condition. Meanwhile, report combine with construction and actual operation for a multi-module transportation logistics park Sichuan. It utilizes a simulation for that logistics park energy-saving system and makes the compare the exam result and actual condition. Finally, based on the theory and simulation analysis, it put forwards suggestions to set up environment friendly logistics park. This report would to adopt several theory such as system engineering theory, relevant theory of industrial ecology and multi-objective planning to combine with case study to make the logistics plan as a research item, use the ecological and economic efficiency as the objective, systemic research the relationship of resources emission and logistics progress, recycle economy and direct action of logistics. These can provide new idea and theory basis for logistics system planning and construction.


Logistics park, energy-saving, dynamic systematic, simulation.


Xiaowen, W., Research on the Energy-Saving and Reduce Emission of Logistics Park Based on Dynamic System. Smart Systems and Green Energy (2018) 1: 1-14.


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