Research on Thermal Deformation Behavior of GH696 Superalloys
DOI: 10.23977/jemm.2024.090309 | Downloads: 4 | Views: 82
Haozhou Gou 1, Chuanzhi Zhu 1, Mingrong Yuan 1, Kaibin Fan 1, Ning Liu 1, Bin Liu 1
1 AECC Aviation Power Co., Ltd., Precision Forging Center, Xi'an, 710021, China
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In this study, the mechanical behavior of GH696 alloy during high temperature compression deformation were studied on the Gleeble-3500. Based on the results of thermal simulation compression deformation experiment, the thermal processing maps of the alloy were drawn. The results show that the flow stress of GH696 alloy during thermal simulated compression deformation decreases with the increase of deformation temperature and increases with the increase of strain rate. The dynamic softening effect of GH696 alloy is small, and the flow stress reaches the peak flow stress and enters the steady flow stage. The strain rate sensitivity index of GH696 alloy increases with the increase of deformation temperature and decreases with the increase of strain rate. The strain hardening index of GH696 alloy decreases with the increase of deformation temperature and increases with the increase of strain rate. It provides a theoretical basis for the regulation of GH696 alloy precision forging process.
GH696 superalloy, Thermal deformation behavior, Mechanical behavior, Thermal processing mapCITE THIS PAPER
Haozhou Gou, Chuanzhi Zhu, Mingrong Yuan, Kaibin Fan, Ning Liu, Bin Liu, Research on Thermal Deformation Behavior of GH696 Superalloys. Journal of Engineering Mechanics and Machinery (2024) Vol. 9: 73-78. DOI:
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