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Comparative Research on Laser Percussion and Trepanning Drilling for Superalloy GH4033

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DOI: 10.23977/jemm.2024.090307 | Downloads: 6 | Views: 107


Liang Wang 1, Rong Guan 2, Kaibo Xia 3, Yefei Rong 1, Long Xu 1, Changjian Wu 1


1 Faculty of Mechanical and Material Engineering, Huaiyin Institute of Technology, Huai'an, China
2 School of Art and Design, Huaiyin Institute of Technology, Huai'an, China
3 School of Mechanical Engineering, Jiangsu University, Zhenjiang, China

Corresponding Author

Rong Guan


Laser micro-hole machining is one of the earliest laser processing technologies applied in industrial production and has relatively mature techniques. It features a high degree of freedom in material selection, fast drilling speed, high precision, no tool wear, and good economic benefits. Based on the theory of laser micro-hole machining, this paper uses millisecond pulsed lasers to drill high-temperature alloy GH4033 in both percussion and trepanning methods. A comparative study of millisecond laser drilling is carried out from aspects such as experimental research and process analysis. The experimental results show that the optimal parameter combination for laser percussion drilling is as follows: the pulse energy is 3.8 J, the pulse width is 1.0 ms, the repetition frequency is 30 Hz, the auxiliary gas pressure is 0.35 MPa, the defocus amount is 0 mm, and the beam expansion ratio is 4. For laser trepanning drilling, the optimal parameter combination is: the pulse energy is 3.6 J, the pulse width is 2.0 ms, the repetition frequency is 20 Hz, the beam expansion ratio is 4, the number of trepanning circles is 5, and the trepanning speed is 90 mm/min. The pulse energy, beam expansion ratio, and defocus amount have the most significant percussions on the quality of micro-hole machining.


Laser processing, Superalloy, Percussion drilling, Trepanning drilling, Comparative research


Liang Wang, Rong Guan, Kaibo Xia, Yefei Rong, Long Xu, Changjian Wu, Comparative Research on Laser Percussion and Trepanning Drilling for Superalloy GH4033. Journal of Engineering Mechanics and Machinery (2024) Vol. 9: 52-65. DOI:


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