Aggregation Equivalence and Evaluation Method of Multiple Doubly-fed Wind Farms for Subsynchronous Oscillation Characteristics Analysis
DOI: 10.23977/jeeem.2024.070311 | Downloads: 5 | Views: 152
Siqi Lyu 1, Huadong Sun 1, Ruihua Song 1, Yalou Li 1, Zutao Xiang 1, Bin Han 1, Bixing Ren 2, Peipeng Zhou 1
1 State Key Laboratory of Power Grid Safety (China Electric Power Research Institute), Beijing, 100192, China
2 State Grid Jiangsu Electric Power Co., Ltd., Research Institute, Nanjing, Jiangsu Province, 210096, China
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The problem of subsynchronous oscillation (SSO) caused by large-scale wind farm integration seriously poses a threat to the safe and stable operation of high-proportion renewable energy power systems. To reduce the order of the system model and improve the simulation efficiency, this paper puts forward an aggregation equivalence and evaluation method of multiple doubly-fed wind farms for SSO characteristics analysis. Firstly, an aggregation equivalence method for multiple doubly-fed wind farms is proposed. The main influencing factors in the SSO analysis are taken as the clustering objects, and the simulated annealing (SA) algorithm and fuzzy c-means (FCM) clustering algorithm are combined to quickly obtain the wind farm clustering sets and equivalent model parameters. Secondly, the evaluation index of the wind farm equivalent models is proposed. The optimal equivalent scheme is selected by comparing the impedance characteristic curves of the equivalent model with that of the detailed model. Finally, taking the actual project as an example, the effectiveness of the proposed method for SSO characteristics analysis is verified.
Aggregation Equivalence, Doubly-fed Wind Farm, Evaluation Index, Impedance Model, Subsynchronous Oscillation (SSO)CITE THIS PAPER
Siqi Lyu, Huadong Sun, Ruihua Song, Yalou Li, Zutao Xiang, Bin Han, Bixing Ren, Peipeng Zhou, Aggregation Equivalence and Evaluation Method of Multiple Doubly-fed Wind Farms for Subsynchronous Oscillation Characteristics Analysis. Journal of Electrotechnology, Electrical Engineering and Management (2024) Vol. 7: 82-89. DOI:
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