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Research on Mechanical Performance Analysis and Topology Optimization Design of New Automobile Frame Structures

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DOI: 10.23977/jemm.2024.090303 | Downloads: 21 | Views: 269


Jiahao Wang 1, Nan Wei 1, Qingyu Xu 1


1 College of Mechanical Engineering, Taishan University, Taian, China

Corresponding Author

Nan Wei


The mechanical performance of a new automobile frame structure plays a crucial role in ensuring the safety, comfort, and lightweight design of the vehicle. This study integrates finite element analysis and topology optimization methods to conduct a comprehensive analysis of the frame's mechanical performance, achieving lightweight design through structural optimization. A finite element model of the frame was established to analyze its strength, stiffness, and dynamic characteristics, revealing imbalances in the current design between performance and weight. In the topology optimization process, based on material distribution and structural performance, optimization algorithms were employed to improve the frame design, resulting in a lighter structure with enhanced performance. Simulation results indicate significant improvements in the optimized frame's strength and stiffness, along with a notable reduction in weight. This research provides theoretical and practical guidance for the design of new automobile frame structures and contributes to the sustainable development of the automotive industry.


Automobile frame; Mechanical performance analysis; Topology optimization; Lightweight design; Finite element analysis


Jiahao Wang, Nan Wei, Qingyu Xu, Research on Mechanical Performance Analysis and Topology Optimization Design of New Automobile Frame Structures. Journal of Engineering Mechanics and Machinery (2024) Vol. 9: 15-22. DOI:


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