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Research on the Coverage Width and Overlap Rate of Seabed Topography Based on Multibeam Sonar

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DOI: 10.23977/jnca.2024.090103 | Downloads: 3 | Views: 180


Junsong Yu 1, Fangxv Lou 1, Rongrong Fu 2, Wei Luo 1, Jianwei Wang 1


1 School of Big Data and Computer Science, Guizhou Normal University, Guiyang, 550025, China
2 School of Foreign Languages, Guizhou Normal University, Guiyang, 550025, China

Corresponding Author

Junsong Yu


This paper proposes a novel physical calculation model for analyzing coverage rates and areas in multibeam sonar technology, focusing on the impact of transducer opening angles and seabed slope variations. The model addresses coverage width issues and the overlap rates between adjacent strips, demonstrating that a coverage width of 243.07 meters results in a 20.49% overlap, while a width of 224.88 meters yields a 14.31% overlap. Additionally, a method for calculating coverage width in rectangular sea areas is introduced, facilitating efficient sonar coverage and overlap rate analysis. The research enriches multibeam sounding systems and provides insights into elliptical coverage areas based on varying angles between survey lines. For instance, with a distance of 1.5 nautical miles from the survey vessel to the center of the sea area and a 90-degree angle between survey lines, the coverage width is 416.69 meters. 


Multi-beam Measurements, Overlap Rate, Geometric Model, Coverage Width


Junsong Yu, Fangxv Lou, Rongrong Fu, Wei Luo, Jianwei Wang, Research on the Coverage Width and Overlap Rate of Seabed Topography Based on Multibeam Sonar. Journal of Network Computing and Applications (2024) Vol. 9: 16-23. DOI:


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