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ALOHA Improvement Algorithm for Dynamic Frame Time Slots with Transformer

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DOI: 10.23977/jnca.2024.090102 | Downloads: 2 | Views: 174


Weijie Zhan 1


1 School of Physics and Electronic Science, Hunan University of Science and Technology, Xiangtan, 411201, China

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Weijie Zhan


In recent years, with the widespread application of RFID technology in production and daily life, the demand for tag reading systems has been increasing. When faced with a large number of tags, RFID systems often experience severe collisions within the same reading frame due to tag responses, leading to low reading efficiency. The key to solving this problem lies in the speed and accuracy of the tag number estimation algorithm. Based on the analysis of traditional algorithms, this paper proposes a new tag number estimation algorithm. This algorithm generates tag datasets with specific word lengths based on the principle of the dynamic framed slotted ALOHA (DFSA) algorithm and establishes a model using a Transformer neural network to predict the number of tags. The network establishes a mapping relationship between the reader and the remaining number of tags to estimate the tag count. Compared with traditional algorithms, the innovation of this paper lies in the introduction of the self-attention mechanism, which significantly improves the accuracy of tag number prediction while reducing the time consumption of the reading system. Simulation results show that the proposed algorithm improves system efficiency while maintaining accuracy, offering a new solution for large-scale RFID applications.


RFID; Dynamic frame slot; ALOHA algorithm; Transformer


Weijie Zhan, ALOHA Improvement Algorithm for Dynamic Frame Time Slots with Transformer. Journal of Network Computing and Applications (2024) Vol. 9: 8-15. DOI:


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