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Research on Electrochemical Migration Failure Behavior of Automobile Circuit Board

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DOI: 10.23977/jeeem.2024.070305 | Downloads: 11 | Views: 211


Xin Wang 1, Kaixu Ren 1, Mengmeng Zhuang 1, Peng Liu 1, Xiuxu Wang 1, Jiawei Zhao 1, Jiayu Wang 1


1 Automotive Data of China Co., Ltd., Beijing, China

Corresponding Author

Xin Wang


In this paper, the electrochemical migration experiments of circuit boards with different electrodes size and spacing were investigated under different voltage bias by water drop method experiments. Furthermore, based on standard size spacing specimens, experiments of specific voltage bias were conducted under the influence of different chloride ion concentration and adipic acid concentration. Thus, the electrochemical migration failure behavior of automobile circuit boards is deeply explored, providing a basis for improving the reliability of automotive electronic products.It is concluded that bias voltage is the driving force for electrochemical migration, and smaller spacing and larger electrode size increase the probability of metal ions in the dielectric reaching the cathode surface. The increase in chloride ion concentration leads to an increase in the inter electrode current, followed by a large amount of precipitation between the electrodes, resulting in an increase in the resistivity of the entire solution. Therefore, the inter electrode current decreases to a stable value, further increasing the probability of electrochemical migration. However, low concentrations of chloride ions do not participate in the formation of precipitation and dendrite growth. When the concentration of chloride ions is high, chloride ions further promote electrochemical migration by dissolving tin hydroxides. The impact mechanisms of adipic acid and sodium chloride on electrochemical migration are different. The acid ions generated by the ionization of adipic acid will react with tin ions in the solution, hindering the diffusion of tin ions and thus delaying the initiation and growth of dendrites.


Automobile circuit board, Electrochemical migration, Electrode factors, Environmental pollutants, Failurey


Xin Wang, Kaixu Ren, Mengmeng Zhuang, Peng Liu, Xiuxu Wang, Jiawei Zhao, Jiayu Wang, Research on Electrochemical Migration Failure Behavior of Automobile Circuit Board. Journal of Electrotechnology, Electrical Engineering and Management (2024) Vol. 7: 37-46. DOI:


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