Analysis on the Influence of Different Filth Grades on the Hydrophopathy of Composite Insulators
DOI: 10.23977/jeeem.2024.070304 | Downloads: 11 | Views: 196
Ming Hao 1, Xuchen Zhang 2, Hong Wu 1, Yanheng Wu 1, Bo Wu 1
1 High Voltage Technology Research Institute, Power Research Institute of State Grid Ningxia Electric Power Co., Ltd, Yinchuan, Ningxia Hui Autonomous Region, China
2 Transformer Substation Construction Branch, State Grid Ningxia Power Transmission and Transformation Engineering Co., Ltd, Yinchuan, Ningxia Hui Autonomous Region, China
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Composite insulator is an important insulation equipment of overhead transmission lines. Different pollution levels will cause different degrees of influence on the hydrophopathy of composite insulator. The decrease of hydrophobicity level and the increase of pollution level will reduce the pollution flashover voltage of composite insulator and affect the reliable operation of composite insulator. In order to accurately study the influence of different pollution grades on the hydrophobicity of composite insulators, the hydrophobicity test, equivalent salt density test and non souble deposit density test were conducted on the composite insulators of voltage grade of 5-18 years, 35kV and above in Ningxia power grid. The results show that under the same operating years, composite insulators with higher pollution levels have lower hydrophobicity and are more prone to flashover. The evaluation results can provide important reference value for the subsequent operation and maintenance of composite insulators.
Composite Insulator; Filth Grades; Hydrophobicity Test; Equivalent Salt Density Test; Non Souble Deposit Density TestCITE THIS PAPER
Ming Hao, Xuchen Zhang, Hong Wu, Yanheng Wu, Bo Wu, Analysis on the Influence of Different Filth Grades on the Hydrophopathy of Composite Insulators. Journal of Electrotechnology, Electrical Engineering and Management (2024) Vol. 7: 28-36. DOI:
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