Activating Urban Grey Spaces: Creating Sustainable Development Environments
DOI: 10.23977/lsuh.2024.060108 | Downloads: 2 | Views: 111
Haotian Zhang 1
1 Art, Design and Architecture, Monash University, 900 Dandenong Rd, Caulfield East VIC 3145, Melbourne, 3145, Australia
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Haotian ZhangABSTRACT
How to activate urban gray spaces has become a topic of increasing global interest. What constitutes a good urban gray space, what constitutes a bad one, and how should urban gray spaces be activated? These three contrasting urban issues are continually analyzed through comparisons to draw conclusions. This article primarily explores the specific criteria for evaluating gray spaces and the methods for their activation, providing insights into the necessary conditions and strategies for transforming these often overlooked or underutilized areas into vibrant, functional parts of the urban environment. The goal is to enhance urban livability and community engagement, fostering sustainable development and social cohesion in cities.
Urban Grey Spaces, Sustainable Development, environment, Landscape, Relationships, Activate, PublicCITE THIS PAPER
Haotian Zhang, Activating Urban Grey Spaces: Creating Sustainable Development Environments. Landscape and Urban Horticulture (2024) Vol. 6: 46-51. DOI:
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