Border Sovereignty in International Law
DOI: 10.23977/law.2024.030507 | Downloads: 19 | Views: 407
Yixuan Chen 1
1 Nanjing Tech University, Nanjing, Jiangsu, 211816, China
Corresponding Author
International law is based on the existence of the state, and sovereignty is the most important symbol of a country. Disputes and contradictions are inevitable in the exchanges between countries, especially near the borders. With economic globalization and close cooperation among governments, the traditional concept of national sovereignty has also been affected to a certain extent. As the international community and various countries have realized the non-renewable nature of certain natural resources and some historical problems, the problems between borders have not disappeared. In the face of border issues, it is necessary to make good use of sovereignty in international law. International law is the most effective way to resolve problems and contradictions between countries. Only by improving and clarifying the concept of sovereignty in international law can domestic law be effectively transformed. We should make good use of the status and influence of international law to resolve border disputes better and faster.
State Sovereignty, International Law, Dispute SettlementCITE THIS PAPER
Yixuan Chen, Border Sovereignty in International Law. Science of Law Journal (2024) Vol. 3: 44-48. DOI: 10.23977/law.2024.030507.
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