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Research on the Status Quo and Influencing Factors of Mass Fitness Based on Big Data Analysis

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DOI: 10.23977/socmhm.2024.050119 | Downloads: 25 | Views: 498


Zhikang Li 1, Yupeng Li 1


1 College of Sports and Health, Linyi University, Linyi, Shandong, 276000, China

Corresponding Author

Yupeng Li


This article aims to analyze the current situation and influencing factors of fitness in the digital age. Through literature review and empirical research, this article explores how digital tools can change people's fitness habits and behavioral patterns. The study used questionnaire surveys and data analysis methods to collect data covering different age and occupational groups to evaluate the specific impact of digitization on fitness participation. The experimental results show that digital fitness tools have improved the convenience and participation of fitness, but there are also problems with the digital divide and insufficient personalized needs. The relationship between the frequency of smart device use and health improvement: The high-frequency use group in the experiment showed an average weight loss of 4kg. The average blood pressure decreased by 8mm Hg, and the heart rate stability improvement index reached its highest value of 3 points. In the effectiveness experiment of the online fitness course, the strength index of the experimental group participating in the online course increased from 100 points to 150 points, and the endurance increased from 100 points to 180 points, while the control group not participating in the online course only increased to 110 points and 105 points, respectively. In the satisfaction experiment, the highest 95% of users who scored 9 or 10 on satisfaction indicated that they would continue to use smart fitness equipment. In the experimental data conclusion, digital fitness tools and platforms can effectively promote health improvement, and user satisfaction has a significant impact on their continued use.


Digital Fitness, User Satisfaction, Health Improvement, Data Integration


Zhikang Li, Yupeng Li, Research on the Status Quo and Influencing Factors of Mass Fitness Based on Big Data Analysis. Social Medicine and Health Management (2024) Vol. 5: 136-143. DOI:


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