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The essence of the wandering man Study on the Triple Definition of Marx's Human Nature Based on Dialectics

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DOI: 10.23977/polsr.2021.020107 | Downloads: 12 | Views: 2526


Menghao Lv 1


1 Department of Marxist College, China Youth of Political Studies, Beijing100089, China

Corresponding Author

Menghao Lv


There are three definitions of human nature, that is, the essence of labor, the essence of "the sum of all social relations" and the essence of human need. In fact, the judgment of human nature does not need absolute answer, but dialectical thinking. The study of the triple definition of human nature and the exploration and discussion of dialectics as the basic research method, it is concluded that Marx's definition of human nature is only in the sense of existentialism rather than ontology. It lays a theoretical foundation for exploring human nature at the level of ontology.


Human essence, dialectical, triple definition


Menghao Lv. The essence of the wandering man Study on the Triple Definition of Marx's Human Nature Based on Dialectics. Journal of Political Science Research (2021) 2: 46-51. DOI:


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