Coloring of Pure Zinc Foams
DOI: 10.23977/metf.2017.11005 | Downloads: 33 | Views: 7419
Jaroslav KOVÁČIK 1, Jaroslav JERZ 1, František SIMANČÍK 1, Natália MINÁRIKOVÁ 1
1 Institute of Materials and Machine Mechanics SAS, Dúbravská cesta 9, 845 13 Bratislava, Slovakia
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The zinc foams were prepared by powder compaction method with various types (TiH2 or MgH2) and various amount (0.3, 0.6 and 1 wt.%) of foaming agent to investigate the effect of colouring of zinc foams during foaming process. It was observed that due to Archimedes’ principle foaming agent particles with lower density as liquid zinc float over a liquid. As a result, on the foam outer skin they react with oxygen during cooling of the foam. Therefore, the significant colouring (purple, blue and dark blue) of pure zinc foams prepared using TiH2 foaming agent was observed. On the contrary, MgH2 decomposes almost completely during the foaming process of zinc. As a result Mg is either dissolved in zinc foam (Mg2Zn11) or MgO of white colour is created. Therefore no significant colouring of pure zinc foams was observed in this case.
Foams, metallic foams, zinc foams, foaming agent, colouring.CITE THIS PAPER
Jaroslav KOVÁČIK, Jaroslav JERZ, František SIMANČÍK, Natália MINÁRIKOVÁ. (2017) Coloring of Pure Zinc Foams. Matallic foams (2017) Vol.1, Num. 1: 54-59.
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