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Supply and demand dilemma and deep motivation of the implementation of the basic education burden reduction policy

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DOI: 10.23977/socsam.2024.050118 | Downloads: 28 | Views: 485


Lulu Wang 1


1 Anhui Agricultural University, Hefei, Anhui, 230036, China

Corresponding Author

Lulu Wang


The excessive academic burden of students is the focus of our attention nowadays, and despite the introduction of a large number of relevant policies to reduce the burden, the effect of policy implementation has not reached the expectation, and the implementation process is faced with many difficulties. Therefore, based on the perspective of supply and demand theory, we study the supply and demand relationship between the policy implementation subjects and analyze the failure to reach the effective social consensus due to the differentiation of demand, the "theater effect" of tutoring, and the government failure in education supply. In order to solve the dilemma of supply-demand mismatch and regional imbalance of educational resources, the government needs to tackle both the root and the symptoms from both supply and demand sides, to create a collaborative education environment between society, schools and families, to establish a perfect supervision, inspection and monitoring mechanism for reducing the burden, and to meet the demands of policy implementation stakeholders so as to mobilize the value rationality of policy implementation subjects.


Basic education; burden reduction policy; supply and demand dilemma; educational governance


Lulu Wang, Supply and demand dilemma and deep motivation of the implementation of the basic education burden reduction policy. Social Security and Administration Management (2024) Vol. 5: 125-131. DOI:


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