Closed Cell Aluminium Foams with Phase Change Material
DOI: 10.23977/metf.2017.11003 | Downloads: 74 | Views: 7976
Jaroslav KOVÁČIK 1, Ján ŠPANIELKA 1, Tomáš DVORÁK 1, Peter Oslanec Jr. 1, Jaroslav JERZ 1
1 Institute of Materials and Machine Mechanics SAS, Dúbravská cesta 9, 845 13 Bratislava, Slovakia
Corresponding Author
Closed cell aluminium foam samples and panels with phase change material (PCM) infiltrated in vacuum were investigated. The utilization of PCMs in larger volumes is strongly limited because of its low thermal conductivity in liquid state. However, porous structure of aluminium foam allows to absorb or to dissipate very homogenously latent heat at almost constant temperature if PCMs with phase change at the temperature range between 4°C and 28 °C are used inside of foam. Therefore the degree of filling of closed cell aluminium foams with PCM material was investigated. It was shown that it is possible to fill sufficient amount of pores with PCM. Further, aluminium foam panels with PCM were tested for heating/cooling applications in buildings. It was confirmed, that such foam panels provide an excellent alternative for large built-in ceiling radiators for efficient heating or cooling of rooms using low potential energy resources. These features of foam panels allow significantly reduce energy consumption of heating/air conditioning systems of future zero energy buildings.
Metallic foams, aluminium foams, phase change materials, zero energy buildings, heat dissipation.CITE THIS PAPER
Jaroslav KOVÁČIK, Ján ŠPANIELKA, Tomáš DVORÁK, Peter Oslanec Jr., Jaroslav JERZ. (2017) Closed Cell Aluminium Foams with Phase Change Material. Matallic foams (2017) Vol.1, Num. 1: 42-48.
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