Sound Absorption Ability of Aluminium Foams
DOI: 10.23977/metf.2017.11002 | Downloads: 154 | Views: 8713
Martin NOSKO 1, František SIMANČÍK 1, Roman FLOREK 1, Peter TOBOLKA 1, Jaroslav JERZ 1, Natália MINÁRIKOVÁ 1, Jaroslav KOVÁČIK 1
1 Institute of Materials and Machine Mechanics SAS, Dúbravská cesta 9, 845 13 Bratislava, Slovakia
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The sound absorption ability of metallic foams is discussed with respect to the preparation method of foam, material composition, foam porosity, thickness, structure, and various treatments to make the foam structure permeable for sound. Both powder metallurgical route prepared foams and melt route prepared foams were studied. It was observed that the sound absorption properties of metallic foams depend predominantly on the foam porosity and opening of its structure and only after that on the properties of foam cell wall material itself.
Metallic foams, aluminium foams, sound absorption, melt route, powder metallurgy.CITE THIS PAPER
Martin NOSKO, František SIMANČÍK, Roman FLOREK, Peter TOBOLKA, Jaroslav JERZ, Natália MINÁRIKOVÁ, Jaroslav KOVÁČIK. (2017) Sound Absorption Ability of Aluminium Foams. Matallic foams (2017) Vol.1, Num. 1: 15-41.
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