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Insufficient construction of administrative punishment power at the grassroots level and countermeasures

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DOI: 10.23977/socsam.2024.050106 | Downloads: 12 | Views: 256


Run Wang 1


1 Faculty of Political Science and Law, Tibet University, Lhasa, China

Corresponding Author

Run Wang


Empowering grassroots society with the right to impose administrative penalties is a pioneering initiative, but it is not without its own contention. Based on the provisions of Article 24 of the Administrative Punishment Law, what needs to be delegated is the right to impose administrative that is urgently needed at the grassroots level. The literal meaning of urgency is not difficult to understand, and it is interpreted as the need to wait to the point that it is difficult to wait. Usually, it is used where the economically developed on towns and streets. However, it is lacking for pay attention to social stability, ecological protection and border security, in poor towns and streets. I think we should also actively consider the decentralization of administrative punishment power. If only from the degree of economic development to seek the recipient of decentralization, the author believes that in Article 24 of the "Administrative Punishment Law" grassroots urgent need to express not only the urgent need of economically developed towns and streets. It also should be considered in the field of modern national system construction under the actual situation of different towns and streets.


The right to impose administrative penalties; Institutional construction; Township government and sub-district office


Run Wang, Insufficient construction of administrative punishment power at the grassroots level and countermeasures. Social Security and Administration Management (2024) Vol. 5: 45-51. DOI:


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