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Oral English CAF Evaluation of the Internet of Things Corpus Using Virtual Reality Scenarios

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DOI: 10.23977/acss.2024.080106 | Downloads: 23 | Views: 590


Zhou Yang 1, Yanfang Zhou 1


1 School of Foreign Languages, Xiangnan University, Chenzhou, 423000, China

Corresponding Author

Yanfang Zhou


With the development of modern educational technology, virtual reality technology has also been used in the field of English teaching. Virtual reality technology emphasizes multiple intelligences, immersion, interactivity and imagination. It can provide virtual context for English learners and greatly stimulate learners' interest in learning. At present, the evaluation system of spoken English complexity, accuracy and fluency (CAF) has made great progress, but poor conversational and communicative abilities are common in English communication. At present, English teaching in schools has shifted from traditional teaching methods to teacher-centered teaching methods. The traditional CAF oral evaluation system is outdated, lacking authentic corpus information and accuracy, and relatively lagging behind in oral proficiency and oral fluency tests. It can be seen that it is an important task to reform the CAF evaluation system of spoken English and improve the level of spoken English. This article first summarizes and organizes the content and importance of IoT corpora, and then analyzes and discusses the application trends and shortcomings of IoT corpora in English speaking CAF evaluation systems; secondly, this paper analyzes the construction of oral English CAV evaluation system using Internet of Things corpus, introduces the forced matching algorithm under edge computing, and proposes more achievable improvement strategies and schemes; finally, it summarized and discussed the experiment. According to the survey and experiment, the CAF evaluation system for spoken English in the new IoT corpus built by using the forced matching algorithm under edge computing and virtual reality technology can improve the evaluation effect by 39%.


Oral English accuracy and fluency Evaluation System, Internet of Things Corpus, Edge Computing, Virtual Reality Scene


Zhou Yang, Yanfang Zhou, Oral English CAF Evaluation of the Internet of Things Corpus Using Virtual Reality Scenarios. Advances in Computer, Signals and Systems (2024) Vol. 8: 52-62. DOI:


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