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Colonized colonialists—alternative colonialism

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DOI: 10.23977/polsr.2024.050102 | Downloads: 18 | Views: 545


Zhigang Wu 1


1 School of History and Tourism and Culture, Inner Mongolia Minzu University, Tongliao, Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region, China

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Zhigang Wu


Traditionally, the history of modern Egypt is a process of trying to get rid of the rule of the Ottoman Empire and British colonial rule, and striving to seek independence. Muhammad Ali was the founder of modern Egypt. Through a series of reforms, Egypt became a regional power in a short period of time. Among them, the remarkable results of military reform made Egypt a strong guarantee for outward expansion. For example, Egypt's conquest of Sudan discussed in this article was an important part of Egypt's expansion. Sudan has had close exchanges with Egypt since ancient times. In modern times, Sudan has become a colony of Egypt and Britain. The history of Egypt as a colony and resistance to colonial rule in modern times often makes people ignore the history of Egypt's colonization of Sudan, that is, the role of a colonized person becoming a colonizer. This complex role is precisely embedded in Egypt, Sudan, and the United Kingdom. This means that Egypt's colonization of Sudan is not a one-way process. It must not only legalize the occupation of Sudan, but also get rid of the illegal British colonial rule. In other words, Egypt hopes to obtain the right to rule in Sudan to demonstrate Egypt's Holistic and opposed to the historical status quo of Britain's separation of Egypt, Arab cultural scholars were the first to make this call.


Egypt, England, Sudan, Alternative colonialism


Zhigang Wu, Colonized colonialists—alternative colonialism. Journal of Political Science Research (2024) Vol. 5: 5-11. DOI: 10.23977/polsr.2024.050102.


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