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Virtualization of Comprehensive Personnel and Salary Management Based on Blockchain Big Data

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DOI: 10.23977/acss.2024.080102 | Downloads: 94 | Views: 679


Danqing Wu 1, Mengyi Zai 1, Feng Li 2


1 Zhejiang Business College, Hangzhou, Zhejiang, China
2 Technology Department, Guanlan Network Technology Co., Ltd, Hangzhou, Zhejiang, China

Corresponding Author

Danqing Wu


With the development of digitalization and networking, personnel salary management in enterprises is facing more and more challenges. Traditional human resource management methods often require a lot of manpower and material resources, and there are some problems such as data being opaque and easy to be tampered with. In order to improve efficiency and ensure data security and accuracy, more and more enterprises began to explore the virtualization scheme of comprehensive personnel and salary management based on blockchain big data technology. In order to solve the salary management problem of small and medium-sized enterprises, this paper puts forward virtualization technology, wireless sensor network technology and radio frequency identification technology, and designs and analyzes the virtual comprehensive personnel and salary management. In addition, this paper designs and develops an integrated personal salary management system based on blockchain big data, realizes virtualization technology operation on the system, and tests the function of the system. Finally, the company's employee satisfaction survey shows that the system has good performance and improved the work efficiency of 5-6% employees and managers.


Blockchain Technology, Big Data Technology, Comprehensive Management of Personnel and Salary, Virtualized System


Danqing Wu, Mengyi Zai, Feng Li, Virtualization of Comprehensive Personnel and Salary Management Based on Blockchain Big Data. Advances in Computer, Signals and Systems (2024) Vol. 8: 10-19. DOI:


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