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New technology and application of microfluidic technology in biological sample analysis

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DOI: 10.23977/analc.2023.020116 | Downloads: 15 | Views: 837


Zixia Feng 1


1 The Hong Kong University of Science and Technology, Hong Kong, 999077, China

Corresponding Author

Zixia Feng


Microfluidic technology has become a revolutionary potential technology in the field of biological sample analysis. This paper summarizes the new technology and application of microfluidic technology in biological sample analysis, emphasizing its key role in high-throughput analysis, single-cell analysis, personalized medicine, environmental monitoring and future development trends. In the new technology and application of microfluidic technology, high throughput analysis is a prominent direction. Microfluidic system can effectively process a large number of biological samples, reducing the time-consuming and cost of experiments. This provides powerful tools in the fields of genomics, protein omics and drug screening, and provides new opportunities for scientific research and clinical diagnosis. Single cell analysis is another remarkable application of microfluidic technology. Microfluidic chip can efficiently analyze a single cell and reveal cell heterogeneity and disease mechanism. This provides a profound insight for cancer research, immunology and neuroscience. In the future, microfluidic technology will continue to promote the development of biological sample analysis. Multifunctional chips, portable applications and the combination with machine learning will provide researchers with more tools and methods to deeply understand the complexity of biology.


Microfluidic technology; application; biological sample analysis


Zixia Feng, New technology and application of microfluidic technology in biological sample analysis. Analytical Chemistry: A Journal (2023) Vol. 2: 123-130. DOI:


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