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Implications of the Law of Co-evolution for Subject Integration Teaching in the Lower Elementary School in the Process of Early Childhood Integration

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DOI: 10.23977/trance.2023.050803 | Downloads: 11 | Views: 628


Meng Ziqi 1, Pan Bingyan 1, Zhen Rujia 1


1 Southwest University, Beibei District, Chongqing, 400715, China

Corresponding Author

Meng Ziqi


The Compulsory Education Curriculum and Curriculum Standards issued by the Ministry of Education emphasizes the importance of bridging early childhood and primary school, echoing the international trend of promoting bridging through curriculum and teaching. In accordance with this policy guideline, this study, based on the law of synergistic evolution under the perspective of educational ecology, compiled its own Questionnaire on the Status of Subject Integration Teaching in the Lower Secondary Section of Elementary and Middle Schools in the Process of ECCE, analyzed the data from the questionnaire, and followed up with the follow-up study using the interview method. To address the problem of insufficient effective cooperation between horizontal subjects in the "ECE" process, we put forward the following suggestions: optimize the curriculum concept of subject integration teaching, make it clear that the goal of the curriculum reform is to enable students in the lower elementary school section to adapt to school life faster and better, improve students' interest in and efficiency of learning by adjusting the form of teaching and learning, and form a teaching advantage to alleviate parents' anxiety.


Educational ecology, co-evolution, subject integration, early childhood integration


Meng Ziqi, Pan Bingyan, Zhen Rujia, Implications of the Law of Co-evolution for Subject Integration Teaching in the Lower Elementary School in the Process of Early Childhood Integration. Transactions on Comparative Education (2023) Vol. 5: 12-18. DOI:


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