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Study on Flight Attitude Control of Four-rotor UAV

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DOI: 10.23977/acss.2023.070904 | Downloads: 117 | Views: 538


Yiran Chen 1


1 Aircraft Manufacturing Engineering, Shanghai University of Engineering Science, Shanghai, China

Corresponding Author

Yiran Chen


Four-rotor UAV is a type of small aircraft. Because of its flexibility, stability, good maneuverability and other characteristics, it can be widely used in various fields. Attitude control of four-rotor UAV is a core technology in the field of UAVs, which is worth studying. In this paper, previous research progress in the field of attitude control of four-rotor UAV is reviewed. The main control methods can be divided into linear control, nonlinear control and intelligent control. In this paper, PID control, sliding mode control, backward step control, intelligent control, neural network control and fuzzy control are introduced in detail, and the characteristics, advantages, disadvantages and research status of these different attitude control technologies are summarized and analyzed. Relevant references show that the focus of researches in resent five years is to combine a variety of control technologies, improve the traditional control technology to obtain better control effects, and use MATLAB/Simulink simulation to draw conclusions. Then, the research on attitude stability control technology of four-rotor UAV in response to adverse weather environment is analyzed, and some future research directions are proposed, including but not limited to establishing a reasonable environmental disturbance model, improving UAV dynamics model in wind field environment, developing fault-tolerant control technology and reducing the delay of system response.


Four-rotor UAV, attitude control, anti-disturbance control


Yiran Chen, Study on Flight Attitude Control of Four-rotor UAV. Advances in Computer, Signals and Systems (2023) Vol. 7: 26-32. DOI:


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