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Research on the Navigation System of Indoor Supplies Delivery Robot Based on ROS

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DOI: 10.23977/cpcs.2023.070103 | Downloads: 18 | Views: 554


Hongkai Gu 1, Zhiwei Wang 1, Chenxi Ouyang 1


1 School of Mechanical & Power Engineering, Harbin University of Science and Technology, Number 52 Xuefu Drive, Harbin, China

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Hongkai Gu


As the COVID-19 pandemic continues, people are realizing that efficient distribution of supplies can greatly improve work efficiency and reduce unnecessary conflicts, thus solving the problem of delivering goods to isolated locations. This paper studies the problem of robot autonomous map construction and path planning in the indoor corridor environment based on ROS. Gmapping-SLAM algorithm is selected as the robot mapping algorithm, A* algorithm is selected as the global path planning algorithm, and DWA algorithm is selected as the local path planning algorithm. Simulation experiments of autonomous map building and path planning are carried out. Therefore, the rationality of the above algorithm applied to indoor corridor environment is verified.


ROS, Gmapping-SLAM, A*star algorithm, Dynamic window approach algorithm


Hongkai Gu, Zhiwei Wang, Chenxi Ouyang, Research on the Navigation System of Indoor Supplies Delivery Robot Based on ROS. Computing, Performance and Communication Systems (2023) Vol. 7: 12-23. DOI:


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