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The In-depth Influence of Traditional Culture on Advertising Design Innovation Mode in the Environment of Artificial Intelligence

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DOI: 10.23977/jaip.2022.050401 | Downloads: 10 | Views: 656


Hui Wu 1


1 Jiujiang University, Jiujiang, Jiangxi, 332005, China

Corresponding Author

Hui Wu


With the development of the advertising industry, the audience's requirements for advertising design are also increasing. But objectively speaking, compared with the application of visual memory in foreign advertisements, there is still much room for exploration and development in China. Chinese traditional culture is the general term for Chinese national civilization, national customs and spirit. After a long historical process, Chinese civilization has gathered into Chinese traditional culture. Chinese traditional culture is a comprehensive response to national characteristics, national features and national culture. The research purpose of this paper is the in-depth influence of traditional culture on advertising design innovation mode in the environment of artificial intelligence. The experimental results show that with the diversified development of society, people are more and more accepting of different cultures, especially for existing Various cultural phenomena in the society can also be fully understood and accommodated, and traditional cultural elements can also be widely accepted.


Artificial Intelligence, Traditional Culture, Advertising Design, Innovation Model, Deep Influence


Hui Wu, The In-depth Influence of Traditional Culture on Advertising Design Innovation Mode in the Environment of Artificial Intelligence. Journal of Artificial Intelligence Practice (2022) Vol. 5: 1-7. DOI:


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