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Integrating Ideological and Political Elements into Computer Teaching Based on Da-Bp Algorithm

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DOI: 10.23977/autml.2022.030108 | Downloads: 7 | Views: 608


Pengfei Song 1, Dan Wang 2


1 School of Information Science and Technology/School of Cyber Security, Guangdong University of Foreign Studies, Guangzhou, Guangdong, 510000, China
2 South China University of Technology School of Medicine, Guangzhou Guangdong, 510000, China

Corresponding Author

Pengfei Song


With the development and further combination of computer technology and ideological and political(IAP) education, the teaching of computer network course based on da-bp algorithm and integrated with IAP elements has developed rapidly, and its application has entered the fields of communication and education from scientific research and academic fields. Computer network teaching is launching an information revolution all over the world, which indicates that the computer course teaching integrated with IAP elements is booming and needs to develop. What computer technology brings is not only the revolution of technology and the progress of material civilization, but also the change of our ideology and politics. These new changes bring new problems to the research of IAP elements in computer teaching. The purpose of this paper is to explore the integration of IAP elements into computer teaching based on da-bp algorithm. This paper presents a design method of da-bp. This paper expounds the design and management of computer network course teaching by using algorithm. This paper uses a three-tier architecture, while using da-bp technology to design, reveals the computer network and its characteristics, this paper concretely, dialectically and comprehensively analyzes the opportunities and challenges brought by computer teaching to IAP work, this paper expounds how to innovate the IAP work in the era of computer teaching, and puts forward the corresponding countermeasures. This paper analyzes the integration of IAP elements into computer teaching based on da-bp algorithm. Finally, it adopts various forms of expression, and intuitively shows the trend chart of the design research results to users. Experimental research shows that nearly 37% of the students are interested in this teaching method and think it can be used. Three students are very interested in the application of project-based teaching method in computer courses. The enthusiasm of the students is 89.2%.


Da-Bp Algorithm, Computer Network, Ideological Political Elements, Course Teaching


Pengfei Song, Dan Wang, Integrating Ideological and Political Elements into Computer Teaching Based on Da-Bp Algorithm. Automation and Machine Learning (2022) Vol. 3: 51-57. DOI:


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