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To What Extent Does the Geometry of An Object Affect the Transmission of Sound to the Listener?

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DOI: 10.23977/acss.2022.060101 | Downloads: 48 | Views: 1014


Jiachi Xue 1


1 Collège Alpin Beau Soleil, Villars-sur-Ollon, Switzerland

Corresponding Author

Jiachi Xue


Noise cancellation has become one of the recent technologies that benefit human life. In daily life, people can wear earphones with noise cancellation technology to fully immerse themselves in their works and not to get disturbed by others. With that in mind, I presented an investigation on how the changing geometry (thickness and shapes) of a material affects the effects of noise cancellation. I employed theories such as Fast Fourier Transform, Nyquist Theorem, Constructive and Destructive Interference, and so on to make a hypothesis or strengthen the conclusion. The investigation was completely up to my design, where I sketched how the investigation will be constructed. To increase the accuracy of the results, I asked help from Design and Technology Department at our school to cut materials to their finest. The whole investigation makes use of the same material and same cutting methodology. The testing condition carried out for every measurement is also the same. This investigation eventually guided me to a new understanding of how the effects of noise cancellation can be changed due to its geometry. Eventually, after careful consultation with my research mentor and additional researches on successful experiments conducted by professional researchers, the proposed conclusion will give an idea of future improvement in the noise cancellation field.


Acoustics, Noise Cancellation, Fast Fourier Transform, Integrals


Jiachi Xue , To What Extent Does the Geometry of An Object Affect the Transmission of Sound to the Listener?. Advances in Computer, Signals and Systems (2022) Vol. 6: 1-17. DOI:


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